Unofficial Valorant Gekko Cosplay Takes Anime Weekend Atlanta by Storm

Check out this amazing Gekko cosplay from Anime Weekend Atlanta in the unofficial Valorant photoshoot!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant fans are buzzing after an unofficial cosplay of Gekko took Anime Weekend Atlanta by storm. The post by Ericfrickindraws has garnered attention and sparked some lively discussions.


  • Community in awe of Gekko cosplay
  • Debate on accuracy of character portrayal
  • Positive feedback on the cosplay

Impressive Cosplay

Ericfrickindraws shared their Gekko cosplay from Anime Weekend Atlanta, stunning the Valorant community with their attention to detail and creativity. The cosplay sparked admiration and praise from fellow fans, with many commending the dedication put into bringing the character to life.

Character Accuracy Debate

The cosplay also led to a discussion on the accuracy of the portrayal. Some users pointed out cultural details, while others appreciated the artistic interpretation. The varying opinions showcased the passion within the community for both the game and its characters.

Encouraging Community Engagement

Comments like ‘Show that viper’s pretty faceeee’ and ‘You’re more fitted to cosplay the Indian character’ highlight the engagement and excitement surrounding cosplays in the Valorant community. Fans are eager to see more creativity and talent on display.

The Valorant subreddit continues to be a hub of creativity and appreciation for fan contributions, keeping the community connected through shared passion and enthusiasm.