Unpacking Disappointing Sentiments: Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Community Expresses Frustration Over Cosmetic Acquisition

Riot's cosmetic acquisition methods in TFT disappoint the community. Is Ezreal worth the gamble?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) enthusiasts are expressing frustration over Riot’s approach to cosmetic acquisition in the game. The community’s disappointment revolves around the gambling aspect of obtaining coveted cosmetics, particularly the Ezreal skin chibi.


  • Players are disheartened by the fomo-based gambling system for premium cosmetics.
  • The complexity of acquiring desired items in TFT contrasts with the straightforward process in League of Legends.
  • Community members question the necessity of such predatory monetization strategies in a successful F2P game like League.

Mixed Opinions on Cosmetic Acquisition

The TFT community holds mixed opinions regarding the acquisition of cosmetics in the game. Some users, like Megacarry and Pleasant-Box-5694, suggest alternative methods to acquire the chibi skin, while others, such as throwingrocksatppl, express discontentment with the direction of TFT cosmetics. This diversity in perspectives reflects the community’s varied experiences and expectations.

Comparing Monetization Models

Cloudkiller01 offers a detailed comparison of monetization practices in various games, emphasizing the unnecessary nature of fomo-based gambling in TFT. The user highlights how Riot’s success with a fair F2P model in League of Legends makes the current cosmetic acquisition approach in TFT seem out of place and potentially harmful to the game’s integrity.

Community Concerns and Responses

Whydontname’s comment resonates with users feeling excluded by Riot’s cosmetic acquisition methods, suggesting that the company prioritizes profits over player satisfaction. The discussion surrounding the Ezreal skin chibi raises important questions about fairness, accessibility, and ethical practices within the gaming industry.

Categories TFT