Unpacking the Buzz Around the ‘Battle Rifle MTZ’ in Warzone

Is the Battle Rifle MTZ the new meta in Warzone? Let's dive into the player discussion and sentiments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Stepping into the heat of the battle, Warzone players are giving ample attention to the ‘Battle Rifle MTZ.’ Post author, No-Significance-4456, brings forward the topic, along with the offer to share his own load-out arrangement. Things heat up as other players chime in.


  • Opinions on the ‘MTZ as a new meta’ debate are divided, with players discussing their own sentiments about the rifle.
  • Some players suggest that the MTZ has already been meta, sparking a curiosity over the overdue recognition.
  • Concerns about game balancing and power dynamics suggest a thirst for overhauling the system.

Player Reactions

Among the first to respond, we have iinfamous_, who briefly and bluntly states, “Not new meta. Been meta.” Reflecting a sentiment echoed elsewhere in the community, The_Farreller expands upon this by expressing his hope for a system “rebalance”, as he feels the MTZ continues to be “quite OP”.

Call for the Load-Out

Rawbob and Valuable-Ad9533 are among those expressing an eager interest in viewing No-Significance-4456’s load-out. Valuable-Ad9533 gives space to no subtlety when he exclaims, “GIVE THE LOADIUT”. Meanwhile, on Brorkarin’s part, interest is piqued more casually with, “I am interested 😃.”

The Shared Load-Out

No-Significance-4456 doesn’t leave them hanging, exclusively sharing his MTZ load-out, which includes a staggering list from the VT7 Spitfire Suppressor to the Coriolanus Eagles Eye 2.5 Sight. He does add a cautionary note though, “Recoil is heavy but if you can control it it melts”.

Other Voices

Amid the load-out frenzy, Expensive-Rest8840 chimes in with his differing opinion that the MTZ is “too niche…there’s better options. Ttk isn’t everything.”

So there we have it, folks – a melting pot of opinions on the MTZ, with everything from enthusiastic adoption to cautious skepticism to outright dismissal. The Warzone playground continues to be as dynamic as ever.