Unpopular Opinions: Brawl Stars’ Brawlers Loved by Many, Disliked by Few

Dissecting divergent perspectives on Brawl Stars' brawlers, stirring exciting conversations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars, the action-packed multiplayer gem, houses a roster of vibrant, whimsical characters dubbed ‘brawlers.’ Each brawler pens its own narrative of delights and displeasure. One such narrative unraveled when NitroZeusGodtier sought to judge the public sentiment towards these digital avatars with their question: ‘Who is a brawler that everyone like but you don’t?’ NitroZeusGodtier’s vexation lies with a certain plant-like companion whose superpower has a knack for striking at seemingly inopportune moments, and a bit too frequently adorns new skins.


  • NitroZeusGodtier, the original poster, sparked a wave of shared grievances across the Brawl Stars community.
  • The post attracted a variety of sentiments, indicating each brawler can be a mixed bag of admiration and irritation.
  • The post challenged the monolithic fan’s perspective of the Brawl Stars’ brawlers.

Brawler Misfits

Our journey into the Brawl Stars subreddit brought us face-to-face with several outspoken critics who shed light on their not-so-favorite brawlers. Some grappled with Fang’s incessant teaming and bush camping tactics, while others struggled to find reason behind popular fascination toward Kevin’s mundane super and design. There was also the inevitable gripe with Leon’s ebb and flow performance – invincible in the hands of others, yet a mere mortal under their control.

Paradoxical Performances

Adding to the pot of bemusement are brawlers like Surge. Despite Surge often being pegged as one of the weaker characters, elBlato attests to feeling overpowered everytime they had to face this brawler. Similarly, the case of Mortis reflects a paradox. A player claimed they achieved a rank 24 at level 5 but repeatedly hit a wall trying to reach a mere 650 with a level 9 Mortis. Clearly, rankings aren’t just a matter of levelling up.

Annoying Antagonists

Aside from gameplay, certain brawlers were labelled annoying strictly out of their flare for being the opposing team’s nemesis. Piper, despite being in the players’ roster themselves, was recognized for her daunting demeanor when she’s on the enemy’s side. A once beloved Fang turned irritant for a player as its growing popularity seemingly diluted its skillful gameplay.

Overall, the adage ‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’ precisely echoes here. What’s cherished by many may be viewed as despised figures by some, and that’s the fun of it. After all, a world where we all admire the same brawlers would be a bit too ‘vanilla’, don’t you think?