Unraveling Leo: The Controversial Character in Tekken

Why do Tekken players both love and hate Leo? Dive into the heated debate in the Tekken subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans are locked in a heated debate over Leo’s character design and moves. Some claim Leo is OP, others see ways to counter this supposed juggernaut.


  • Leo’s forward momentum in moves causes frustration but also strategic depth due to linear play style.
  • Players suggest specific techniques like sidestepping or exploiting frame data to counter Leo’s strengths.
  • Leo’s design is a divisive topic, with some highlighting perceived balance issues and others pointing to counterplay options.

Leo’s Move Set: Forward or Overpowered?

Leo’s aggressive moves that propel the character forward have sparked debate among Tekken players. Some argue that these moves make keeping Leo at bay nearly impossible, creating a frustrating experience for opponents. One player, yurirekka, pointed out, “Why does most of this character’s moves propel him forward so much? Keeping him out is nigh impossible him as his kicks ludge him from 75% of the screen away. It’s nuts.”

The Tactical Side: Countering the Leo Menace

Despite complaints about Leo’s powerful forward movements, some players see potential strategies to deal with this challenge. Skillkill107 highlighted the importance of 3D movement against Leo’s linear attacks, emphasizing, “… it makes 3D movement more important when they’re playing properly.” This highlights the depth of gameplay required to effectively counter Leo’s strengths.

Leo’s Design: Balance Concerns and Counterplay

Players like Kaliq82 acknowledge the strategic complexity brought by Leo’s design, noting, “… known strats to beat characters get thrown out the window.” This showcases the unique playstyle Leo demands, challenging players to adapt and find new ways to approach the matchup.

Leo’s character in Tekken embodies a divisive topic among the community. While some criticize the seemingly unfair forward momentum in moves, others appreciate the strategic depth it adds to the game. The ongoing debate highlights the complexity of character design and player perception in fighting games, where a balance between power and counterplay is key to an engaging gameplay experience.