Unraveling Tekken’s Intriguing Story: A Reddit Discussion

What happens when you try to explain Tekken's story to someone unfamiliar with it? Hilarity and confusion ensue in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever tried to describe the convoluted web of Tekken’s story to a newbie, you know the struggle is real. The intricacies of the Mishima family feud, fantastical elements like Devil Gene, and character retcons can make heads spin faster than an Electric Wind God Fist.


  • Explaining Tekken’s lore can lead to confusion and amusement.
  • The saga of the Devil Gene and Mishima family drama leaves many scratching their heads.
  • Occasional retcons and the story’s complexity add to the challenge of explaining Tekken’s narrative.

Behind the Curtain of Mishima Drama

Jumping into Tekken’s story feels like being thrust into a family reunion where everyone has a grudge, superhuman abilities, and a tendency to settle scores in the King of Iron Fist Tournament. From Heihachi’s betrayals to Kazuya’s descent into darkness, the Mishima saga is a rollercoaster of treachery and vengeance.

The Devil Gene Dilemma

The introduction of the Devil Gene, a supernatural twist that bestows incredible power but at a grave cost, adds layers of complexity to the narrative. Trying to explain why characters sprout wings, transform into demons, or survive deadly falls thanks to this genetic anomaly can leave newcomers wide-eyed with disbelief.

Retroactive Revisions

One of the most challenging aspects of narrating Tekken’s tale is navigating the retcons and revisions that have shaped the series over the years. What was once canon may shift in later installments, leading to confusion even among long-time fans trying to keep up with the evolving storyline.

Even as you attempt to piece together the puzzle of Tekken’s lore for a newbie, the enigmatic narrative threads and intricate character connections can turn a simple explanation into a marathon lecture. While the confusion may reign supreme, the entertainment value and sheer absurdity of the storyline make for memorable discussions that highlight the wild ride that is Tekken’s story.