Unraveling the Best Guide Controversy in Genshin Impact: Fans Weigh In

Join us as we journey through opinions garnered from a compelling discussion about Genshin Impact's most valuable guides!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fantastical world of

Genshin Impact, a recent stir has been causing waves among its player base as they attempt to crown the best guide in the game of Teyvat. A post by BluwulfX on an online platform set the stage for this engaging discussion.


  • Most people appear to lean toward Chlothar, however, Paimon has her staunch supporters as well.

  • Alice, yet another guide, unfortunately seems to have been left out of the debate, much to the displeasure of some fans.

  • A certain sense of humor is evident in the comments, with the possibility suggested that votes could have been physically moved between the two options.

The Fan’s Stance

User SaberWaifu notes that Paimon maybe ‘stopped being a guide 10 minutes into the game,’ likely contributing to the lack of votes. Similarly, basedcatenjoyer voiced support for Chlothar, labeling him the ‘goat’ of Teyvat. On the other hand, OldSnazzyHats defended Paimon, admitting limited knowledge about Chlothar due to sparing resource map usage.

The Forgotten Alice

KuraiBaka laments that Alice was forgetten like the Teyvat travel guide.

Funny Gaming Politics

Dipping into humor, No-Hunter-2063 facetiously announced plans to ‘move all Paimon’s coins to Chlothar,’ while Ancient_Axe humorously suggested that swiping votes ‘could very well have occurred.’ This light-hearted commentary truly highlights the fans’ active engagement and spirited humor.

At the end of the day, every guide in Teyvat holds a special place in the adventurers’ hearts. Whether it’s Paimon’s pesky charm, Chlothar’s guidance, or Alice’s subtle presence, each contributes immensely to the rich journey in the world of Genshin Impact. What truly matters is not who the ‘best’ guide is, but how these characters enhance our experiences in this fantastical journey. After all, isn’t the real treasure the friendships we made along the way?