Unraveling the Brawl Stars: The Community’s Take on Trophy Reset!

Dive into Brawl Stars' subreddit to uncover the collective sentiment on problematic trophy resets!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the heart of the heated gaming arena, discussions flare between avid fans of Brawl Stars about a long-debated feature: trophy resets. Here’s a glimpse into the sentiment of the community.


  • The sentiment on trophy resets is largely unfavorable, with a hint of sardonic humor peppered throughout the comments.
  • While some users express frustrated puzzlement, others invoke a tactical approach of compromise.
  • The majority stands with the sentiment that trophy reset doesn’t correspond well with their progression in the game.

Discontent Simmers

It’s interesting to observe the range of emotions that circulate around this ‘rewarding’ mechanism. ThaTree661 summarized the month’s prevailing frustration: ‘people’ve been so angry about trophy reset’.

A Tactical Approach?

On the other hand, some players attempt to lay out alternative solutions, albeit in a humorously exaggerated fashion. The_Real_Suparcell asks wryly, ‘if you want more rewards from trophy reset, what would you like us to nerf in exchange? The brawl pass by 90%? Or Trophy Road by 95%?’.

Progression vs. Perceptions

Drawing a distinction between progression and trophies, players like FlamingDasher and Redinator5 argue that ‘trophies aren’t even tied to progression’ and ’10 trophies is not 6 weeks of progressions’. This points to a mismatch between the developers’ intent and players’ perceptions of the magnitude of their lost progression.

In examining the Brawl Stars community’s candid discussions, we see a vivid collective sentiment about the controversial trophy reset mechanism. While the community’s passion for the game brings a palpable and electrifying energy into their exchanges, it is equally matched by their frustration at mechanisms they perceive as hindering their progress. Their insights, humor, and proposed solutions, however comically exaggerated, offer a peek into the gamer’s soul – the unyielding desire to triumph despite the odds.