Unraveling the Challenges of Hosting Your Own Dedicated Server in Myth of Empires

Delve into the trials and triumphs of setting up your custom server in Myth of Empires.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on the journey of setting up your very own dedicated server in Myth of Empires. The release of version 1.0 has players questioning the process, seeking guidance within the community.


  • Players face challenges setting up dedicated servers post-version 1.0.
  • Community recommends Windows Game Server Manager (GSM) for server hosting.
  • Players seek solutions for saving Linux configuration files.

Setting Up Your Own Dedicated Server

Entering the realm of server hosting in Myth of Empires post-version 1.0 comes with its complexities, as players encounter new challenges and seek innovative solutions. One player, TheLionsBrew, shared their struggles with setting up a dedicated server on their own machine, highlighting authentication issues and outdated guides.

Community Recommendations for Server Management

The community swiftly responded, with users like XzyzZ_ZyxxZ suggesting the use of a cluster setup, leveraging tools like Windows GSM and the Myth plugin for smoother server operation. Another user, trevster344, touted the efficiency of GSM and shared insights on running MoE servers with ease.

Seeking Linux Configuration Solutions

However, challenges persist, as seen with Leddesimus inquiring about reliable Linux ini files for cluster setups. The need for accessible and effective configuration solutions remains a pressing concern for players striving to optimize their server settings.

Overcoming hurdles and finding efficient server management tools is essential for a smooth gaming experience in Myth of Empires. As the community collaborates to share expertise and insights, players can navigate the intricacies of hosting their dedicated servers with confidence.