Unraveling the Diablo 4 Season Pass Enigma

Get the 101 on Diablo 4 Season Pass, with a fun breakdown of a player's discussion and the gaming community's helpful insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving world of Diablo 4, players often find themselves confronted with questions about the game’s mechanisms and specific features. A perfect example is a recent discussion initiated by a user about the game’s season pass. The user had invested time and resources into the game since November and had some queries about the intricacies of the season pass, especially when combined with a level advancement.


  • The user’s main concern revolves around the purchase and utility of the season pass, and particularly, the tangible impact of adding 20 levels to their current level.
  • Based on the interactive responses, there seems to be a considerable amount of confusion surrounding the terms and conditions of the season pass, particularly its interaction with the purchased level advancement.
  • The sentiment of the thread clearly leans towards clarifying misunderstandings and educating new players about the workings of the season pass, revealing a helpful and informed gaming community.

The Query

It all begins with a post by ‘Zerafyr’, who has been engaging with Diablo 4 since November. Despite his investment of time and effort, he admits to having many questions about the season pass. His main query is whether reaching level 70 and then buying the “season pass + 20 level” will conclude his season pass immediately.

Community Insights

‘Agarwaen323’ provides a detailed breakdown about how the tier skips work within the framework of a season pass. He fundamentally clarifies that ‘Tier skips will skip 20 tiers from whatever point in the battle pass you’re at’ when you purchase the accelerated pass. He also warns about the possibility of wasting unused tier skips if purchased too close to the max level.

Corroborating with ‘Agarwaen323’ is ‘Own_Exercise_7018’, who explicitly confirms that the addition of 20 levels applies to the current level. He shares his personal approach of buying the battlepass instead of using the accelerator, especially if already at a high level.

Parting Wisdom

‘masterfox72’ strips the situation down to basics to point out to everyone that since the ‘Season pass has 100 levels, reaching Level 70 alone is not enough to finish it.’ His simple yet insightful comment underlines the crux of the situation and leaves little room for misunderstanding.

So, fellow dwellers of the Diablo realm, arm yourself with this nifty explanation from experienced gamers, and venture forth with increased confidence and understanding. We can’t wait to see what questions our brave ‘Zerafyr’ comes up with next, and even more so, we look forward to the knowledge the gaming community will impart in response.