Unraveling the Harvest: Manor Lords Woes and Wonders

Exploring the puzzling reasons behind your people's sudden aversion to berry picking in Manor Lords.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why your virtual subjects suddenly stop harvesting berries and hunting in Manor Lords?


  • Seasonality affects berry availability and hunting limits in-game.
  • Limit settings exist on buildings to prevent resource overexploitation.
  • Players report occasional bugs affecting hunting behavior.

Players’ Observations and Solutions

Player Moikee suggests checking the hunting limit and the seasonal availability of berries to ensure a steady supply. Understanding these mechanics can help avoid resource shortages.

User Ssbigdan points out the presence of limit settings on buildings to prevent excessive hunting/gathering. This system is designed to maintain a sustainable resource pool in the game.

Technical Glitches and Frustrations

RevengfulDonut brings up the issue of hunting bugs in the game, highlighting instances where foragers behave unexpectedly. This bug can disrupt gameplay flow and resource management.

RequirementAwkward26 shares a frustrating experience of encountering a persistent issue with hunting in specific regions, despite attempting various troubleshooting methods. The glitch significantly impacted their settlement’s productivity and enjoyment.

Despite Manor Lords’ immersive gameplay and strategic depth, occasional technical hiccups and gameplay quirks can test players’ patience and adaptability. The blend of simulation and strategy elements in Manor Lords offers a captivating experience, albeit with its share of challenges and surprises.