Unraveling the Madness: Tekken Fans React to Doujin’s Unconventional Character Selection

Tekken fans discuss Doujin's unexpected character choices and performance in a recent tournament. Let's dive into the chaos!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, sometimes madness takes the center stage. Recently, fans on a subreddit discussed Doujin’s unconventional character choices in a tournament, sparking debates and surprises among the community.


  • Doujin’s unexpected character selection stirred mixed reactions among fans, with some questioning his choice of characters over his mains like Claudio and Shaheen.
  • Fans expressed both amusement and disbelief at the prize payouts in the event, sparking discussions on the competitive scene.

Fans Weigh In on Doujin’s Performance

Many fans pointed out that Doujin’s usage of characters like Law, Zafina, and Lili appeared safe but lacked depth, leading to discussions on the importance of mastering each character’s full potential.

The Payout Confusion

Questions arose about the tournament payouts, with fans expressing humorous disbelief at the amounts, adding a lighthearted touch to the intense competition.

Doujin’s Potential Future Choices

Some fans speculated on Doujin’s future character choices, including a potential maining of Mokujin, hinting at the ever-evolving nature of the game and its players.

The Tekken community continues to ignite debates and surprises, showcasing the passion and dedication of its fans. As characters come and go, one thing remains constant – the thrill of the fight and the camaraderie among players in the world of Tekken.