Unraveling the Mysteries of Skull and Bones – Reddit Community Insights

Dive into the Skull and Bones subreddit for a treasure trove of ideas and experiences shared by players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are navigating some interesting glitches and challenges, offering creative solutions on how to overcome them. Let’s set sail on this voyage to discover what the community has been up to recently.


  • Players encounter glitches and obstacles like being stuck on land during takeovers.
  • Community suggests creative solutions such as turning stuck locations into tourist spots.
  • Some players share their hilarious experiences with glitches and workarounds.

Exploring New Territories

One player shared their predicament about fast traveling to a takeover at Jiwe but ending up stranded on land. A fellow pirate suggested turning the spot into a tourist attraction, envisioning a restaurant and bar to make the best of the situation.

Glitches and Laughs

Another player humorously mentioned finding a shipwreck that never restocks, leading to a comedic race for the initial haul. The community’s witty banter and problem-solving attitude shine through as players offer quirky suggestions like forcing open the area or demanding a lighthouse installation.

Community Bonds over Challenges

Despite facing glitches and unexpected gameplay hurdles, the Skull and Bones community showcases camaraderie and humor in their interactions. From sharing tips on navigating glitches to joking about ship ‘jealousy,’ players keep the atmosphere lively and engaging.

Players in the Skull and Bones subreddit encounter a mix of challenges and entertaining moments, uniting in their love for the game and their willingness to explore creative solutions to in-game obstacles. As they continue their journey on the high seas, the community thrives on camaraderie and shared experiences, making every adventure in Skull and Bones a memorable one.