Unraveling the Mysterious Relationship Between Foxes and Cats in Genshin Impact

Explore the intricate dynamics of foxes, cats, and murderhobos in Genshin Impact as Reddit users delve into the curious case of Miko.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact has players pondering the peculiar nature of the relationship between foxes, cats, and the enigmatic character, Miko.


  • Debates on animal behavior in-game reveal underlying lore.
  • Players question the moral compass of characters like Miko.
  • Humorous analogies compare in-game dynamics to real-world scenarios.

Exploration of Fox-Cat Rivalry

Reddit users point out the factual basis for the fox-cat animosity within the game, drawing parallels to real-life predator-prey relationships.

Intriguing Character Dynamics

The portrayal of Miko’s actions sparks discussions on the ethical complexities of in-game interactions and character motivations.

Humor Amidst Analysis

Amidst the serious discussions, users inject humor by likening in-game rivalries to historical conflicts, adding a light-hearted touch to the discourse.