Unraveling the Mystery of Apex Legends Skill-Based Matchmaking

Players in Apex Legends are baffled by the game's skill-based matchmaking system. Is it really working as intended?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are scratching their heads over the enigmatic skill-based matchmaking system. Are they really facing their equals in the arena, or is it something else entirely?


  • The skill-based matchmaking in Apex Legends seems to be creating unbalanced and frustrating experiences for players.
  • Players feel unfairly matched against higher-skilled opponents, leading to a sense of helplessness.
  • The system appears flawed, creating scenarios where even seasoned players struggle to find enjoyable matches.

Players Frustrations

Sunburntschmako17 expresses bewilderment at being pitted against apex predators despite their inexperience and lengthy absence from the game. The mismatch in skill levels leaves them feeling helpless and questioning the effectiveness of the matchmaking system.

Community Backlash

Digital–Illusion vividly illustrates the frustrations of new players who are catapulted into higher skill lobbies after a single win, only to be farmed by superior opponents. The cyclical nature of being thrown between lobbies leads to a demoralizing experience and fosters toxicity among experienced players.

Clashing Perspectives

ReplyisFutile sheds light on the disparity between badge accomplishments and actual player skill. The debate over whether the matchmaking system prioritizes skill or rewards luck adds another layer of complexity to the issue.

RustyDawg37 challenges the existence of skill-based matchmaking in Apex Legends, adding to the confusion surrounding the game’s matchmaking algorithms.

The outcry from the community reflects a deep-seated frustration with the perceived shortcomings of the skill-based matchmaking system in Apex Legends. Players yearn for a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience, free from the specter of being outmatched and outplayed at every turn.