Unraveling the Mystery of Capitan Tools in Skull and Bones – A Reddit Discussion

Diving into the curious case of Capitan Tools in Skull and Bones with Reddit users sharing their frustrations and workarounds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones enthusiasts have been scratching their heads over the elusive Capitan Tools, seeking answers and workarounds to this perplexing issue.


  • Players facing Capitan Tools glitch post-beta with frustration
  • Various users have attempted fixes with mixed success
  • Support responses have been slow; bug not considered a top priority

Users Experiences

Stuart267 shared a workaround, hinting at a possible fix for those plagued by the glitch.

Satsloader’s nonchalant approach suggests the reward may not be worth the hassle of troubleshooting.

The Waiting Game

Emperor_Solaris’s resigned tone reflects the patience required when dealing with unresolved game issues.

Squishyoldster simply echoes the sentiment of encountering the same frustrating bug.

The Support Struggle

SkartheSatai highlights the slow response from support, adding a layer of annoyance to an already frustrating situation.

This Reddit thread sheds light on the shared frustrations and varied approaches of Skull and Bones players grappling with the enigmatic Capitan Tools glitch.