Unraveling the Mystery of Duplicating Items in Last Epoch

Discover the truth behind the potential item duplication in Last Epoch - is it a glitch or an intended mechanic?

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, players in Last Epoch have been encountering a strange phenomenon where items seem to be multiplying mysteriously. Could this be a new feature or an exploit?


  • Players speculate on the legitimacy of item duplication in Last Epoch.
  • The Lightless Arbor’s chest modifiers may be at the center of the duplication issue.
  • Community divided on whether the duplicate items are a game mechanic or a glitch exploited by players.

Insights from the Community

AmSoup explained how the Lightless Arbor can produce multiple duplicated items through chest modifiers, suggesting it’s not a new dupe but rather an intended game mechanic.

Mael_Jade raised doubts about the duping situation, questioning the motives of potential exploiters and the timing of revealing such a method.

DrMarloLake’s Take

DrMarloLake pointed out that the daily mod for T4 Arbor involving Relics adds credibility to the legitimacy of item duplication, implying it might be a game feature rather than a bug.

The Divided Opinion

tazdraperm referenced the Lightless Arbor as a means of item duplication, suggesting that the mechanic is known within the game’s lore and mechanics.

Huge-Environment-896 expressed skepticism, stating that the situation seems suspicious, hinting at a potential exploit at play.

As players continue to unravel the mystery behind the item duplication in Last Epoch, the community remains divided on whether it’s a legitimate game mechanic or a glitch being exploited. This ongoing discussion adds an element of intrigue to the game, keeping players engaged and curious about the game’s inner workings.