Unraveling the Mystery of Firesprites in Destiny 2

Exploring the enigmatic world of firesprites in Destiny 2 and the confusion surrounding their appearance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered about the red encircled ‘flames’ in Destiny 2? Well, a confused Guardian on a solar warlock build is seeking answers about the mysterious ‘Firesprites’ and their elusive visuals.


  • Guardian seeks clarification on Firesprites for solar warlock build
  • Community confirms Firesprites’ presence in Destiny 2
  • Diverse variations of elemental sprites exist across subclasses

Firesprites or Mythical Beings?

It seems the Firesprites are as elusive as their fiery nature suggests. Guardian Sne4kyFox’s confusion echoes the sentiments of many players delving deep into Destiny 2 lore.

Elemental Sprite Variations

From void breaches to stasis shards, Destiny 2 offers a plethora of visually striking elemental sprites that add depth to gameplay and storytelling.

Community Consensus

The Destiny 2 community swiftly comes to Sne4kyFox’s aid, confirming the existence of Firesprites and shedding light on the diverse elemental manifestations within the game.