Unraveling the Mystery of Joinable Missions in Deep Rock Galactic

Delve into the depths of Deep Rock Galactic's joinable missions conundrum with our insightful article.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic fans dive deep into the mystery surrounding joinable missions. Some are left scratching their heads, while others offer sage advice on knowing the game’s mechanics inside out. Let’s unravel this intriguing aspect together!


  • Understanding the limitations of joinable missions
  • Sage advice on navigating the game’s mechanics
  • Speculations on the specific triggers for unjoinable missions

Unraveling the Mechanics

One user, UncomfortableAnswers, sheds light on the inability to join missions once the critical stages have begun. This limitation provides a challenge that adds depth to the gameplay experience.

The Drillevator Dilemma

Klutzy-Blueberry-819 highlights the logical reasoning behind certain missions, like Deep Scan, making them unjoinable once in progress. It’s all about maintaining game coherence!

A Caretaker Conundrum

JumpCiiity brings up the specific instances where missions become unjoinable after defeating certain bosses. The dynamics of the game world constantly surprise players with their intricacies.

The Cryptic Comment

While most comments provide valuable insights, glassteelhammer’s enigmatic message adds a touch of mystery to the discussion. Perhaps there are secrets yet to uncover in Deep Rock Galactic!