Unraveling the Mystery of Structures in Palworld: A Deep Dive into Player Speculations

Dive into the mysterious world of structures in Palworld as players speculate on their significance!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are baffled by little structures found in the game, sparking curiosity and wild theories…


  • Speculations on the structures’ story-telling role and possible impact on the game’s ending.
  • Players amused by the Alzheimer’s theory connected to the structures.
  • Excitement surrounding the use of journals found on the structures.

Intriguing Theories

Players are debating if the structures reveal the island’s history or personal stories of characters…

Alzheimer’s Connection

One user’s humorous take on how forgetting journal pickups could indicate Alzheimer’s…

Journals for Endings

Insights on how journals on structures might lead to unlocking the game’s true ending…