Unraveling the Mystery of the Missing Barb in Clash Royale

Join the debate with Clash Royale fans as they ponder the fate of the mysterious missing Barb!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the lively world of Clash Royale, the fate of the barb inside the Battle Ram has sparked a heated discussion among players. Does he perish, escape, or evolve? Let’s dive into the Reddit post to unravel this mystery!


  • Players speculate about the fate of the hidden barbarian inside the Battle Ram.
  • The Reddit thread showcases a mix of humorous and creative theories.
  • Some suggest the barbarian dies, while others humorously propose he goes for a heal or turns into something else.

Theories Galore

One user jokes that the barb goes to visit the heal spell, while another speculates that the ram breaking in half leads to the barbarian inside breaking too. It’s a dark tale of sacrifice and destruction in the world of Clash Royale.

Evolution or Elimination?

Players debate whether the hidden barbarian evolves, gets pulverized, or undergoes reverse mitosis inside the Battle Ram. The Clash Royale community showcases a blend of imagination and logic in their speculations.

A Touch of Comedy

Amidst the serious theories, some users inject humor into the discussion. From protein shake mixer cups to battle healers in Clash heaven, the fate of the barb becomes a canvas for creative interpretations.