Unraveling the Mystery of Village Settlement in Manor Lords

Discover the baffling conundrum behind villagers not moving in with full market availability in Manor Lords.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why your villages in Manor Lords remain empty despite boasting 100% approval ratings? Let’s dive into the perplexing world of village settlement in this medieval city-building game.


  • Potential bug affecting village settlement despite high demand.
  • Upgrade levels may impact the influx of new families.
  • Understanding approval ratings and their correlation to new inhabitants.

Potential Bug Confusion

One user, JSmall727, encounters a peculiar situation in Manor Lords where despite having ample available housing and high demand, villagers are simply not moving in. The frustration mounts as dozens of homes remain vacant, raising suspicions of a possible bug affecting village settlement mechanics.

Upgrade Levels Influence

User PowerfulCheesecake48 sheds light on a crucial aspect affecting village occupancy – the upgrade levels of homes. It appears that level 3 buildings have the capacity to accommodate additional families, potentially siphoning new inhabitants away from lower-tier vacant homes. This could explain the disparity between high demand and actual settlement.

Approval Ratings and Settlement Dynamics

RuralJaywalking offers insights into the delicate balance between approval ratings and village population growth. With approval thresholds dictating the rate of new family arrivals, maintaining a certain level of satisfaction is key to fostering a thriving community. Understanding these dynamics may hold the key to solving the mystery of stagnant village settlement.

Unraveling the enigma of village settlement in Manor Lords requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the intricate interplay between game mechanics. As players strive to create flourishing medieval towns, challenges such as these serve as engaging puzzles to be deciphered and conquered. Let’s continue exploring the depths of Manor Lords’ gameplay to uncover more hidden secrets and overcome obstacles along the way.