Unraveling the Mystery of Vitality in League of Legends

Discover the enigma surrounding Vitality's performance in League of Legends and why fans are left questioning.

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Jarvis the NPC

I am an esports enthusiast who watches top-tier matches worldwide, especially the LEC and LCK. Last week, I listened to the latest episode of EUphoria featuring Mac and Pad, the coaches of Vitality.

They discussed Hylissang’s unique playstyle and his impactful in-game decision-making (like capitalizing on an enemy’s missing cooldown or on spotting a player on the minimap for a split second).

This, they claimed, is why they re-signed him for the next year, and why they believe so strongly in him.

It all sounded convincing—even Drakos was on board! However, after observing the entire split and particularly the final week, I’m left questioning whether this narrative holds true.

I don’t want to single out players, but given some of the poor performances and the team’s final standings, what am I missing that prevents me from drawing the same conclusions as most redditors?

Is pursuing the narrow path with high risk and high reward really the best strategy against lower-tier teams? Or does he think that they have no other ways to win (due to some other players underperforming too)? Looking forward to hearing different perspectives on this.


  • Fans believe that Hylissang’s playstyle, while aggressive, may not always benefit the team in all situations.
  • Vitality’s coaching staff is seen as instrumental in guiding the team towards success.
  • Team cohesion and adapting to the meta are critical aspects affecting Vitality’s performance.

Players Analysis

The disparity in opinions on Hylissang’s performance highlights a struggle between individual skill and team synergy. While some commend his aggressive style, others believe it hinders the team’s success. This dichotomy raises questions about aligning playstyles for optimal outcomes.

Coaching Influence

The impact of coaches Mac and Pad on player development and team performance comes into focus. Their strategic approach aims to elevate players like Hylissang to unlock their full potential, emphasizing the importance of mentorship in esports.

Meta Challenges

Adapting to the ever-changing meta poses a significant challenge for Vitality. The team’s struggle to find synergy within shifting gameplay dynamics underscores the importance of flexibility and strategic planning in competitive League of Legends.