Unraveling the Mystery: What Do the Numbers in Fortnite Mean?

Discover the hidden meanings behind the numbers on Fortnite's user-created content!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the mysterious numbers in Fortnite user-generated content? Let’s dig into the answers!


  • Age ratings and player count are major factors behind the numbers.
  • Community members share differing insights on the significance of the numbers.
  • The numbers reflect restrictions and guidelines set for specific game modes.

Fascinating Insights on Age Ratings

One Reddit user pointed out that the numbers represent age ratings, indicating different suitability levels for players. Another highlighted that the ratings vary based on the content theme, with some areas designated for more mature gameplay experiences than others.

Decoding Player Count

It appears that the numbers also denote the maximum player count for specific game modes. For instance, a pit may allow 12 players, while a parkour course might be limited to only 3 players.

Community Speculations

While some users feel confident about the age rating explanation, others express uncertainties about regional variations in these ratings. The discussion unveils a range of perspectives on how the numbers are interpreted within the Fortnite community.