Unraveling the Mystery: “Who Wins in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – The Mighty 3* Yasuo or Formidable 3* Zed?”

When a seemingly unbeatable 3* Yasuo triumphs over a team of 3* champions in TFT, what ensues is a match for the ages!

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent nail-biting Team Fight Tactics (TFT) match, a lone 3* Yasuo managed to trounce a formidable ensemble of 3* champions, much to the surprise and amusement of fellow players and spectators alike. The victorious user, ‘Adorable-Fact4378’, shares that he felt genuinely conflicted about this unexpected win, triggering intrigue, lively discussion, and even some controversy within the TFT community.


  • This showdown has sparked debate regarding the game’s balancing issues.
  • Some players believe strategic positioning and effective use of augments greatly contributed to Yasuo’s victory.
  • Others argue the crowd diver trait may have weakened the opposing team’s defense.
  • The unexpected outcome has entertained and perplexed many gamers in the TFT community.

Community Insights

As GAMESTONK_TO_MARS notes, the result seems “pretty bonkers” considering the formidable opposition Yasuo faced. The sentiment is shared by StillNotTheFatherB who wonders aloud: ‘What in the actual…?! That’s wild.’

Augments & Positioning

Meanwhile, cyncskptc and Kuraetor feel that the “augments carried hard”, suggesting that the use of these powerful game modifiers was key to this unexpected victory. Further, some players speculate if a ‘positioning issue’ on the opponent’s team contributed to Yasuo’s triumph, as hinted by FemalePopSinger.

Unique Traits and Game Balance

Apart from augments and positioning, players like keyokenx1017 weigh in on the implications of Yasuo’s ‘crowd diver trait’. This attribute makes the champion potentially lethal for the enemy backline, but could also expose him to unnecessary damage. Other comments call into question the game’s balance, with TotalRepair offering a simple ‘Riot balance xD’ to the discussion.

As we traverse the battlefields of Team Fight Tactics, matches like this remind us that even the mightiest assemblage of champions can be outshined by a singular, well-played card up one’s sleeve. Or perhaps sometimes, it’s just the luck of the draw! Whatever the case, may your champions fight valiantly, and your augments carry you to the top.

Categories TFT