Unraveling the Mystery: Why Didn’t 160 Damage Kill in Valorant?

A player did 160 damage but the enemy didn't die - how come? Let's investigate the puzzling phenomenon in Valorant!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant players were stumped as to why doing 160 damage didn’t secure a kill in a recent game. The player shared their frustration on Reddit, seeking answers from the community.


  • The community speculates on potential reasons for the anomaly.
  • Players share experiences of similar incidents, suggesting it’s not an isolated issue.
  • Comments offer explanations ranging from agent abilities to bugs.

The Ultimate Question

One user suggests that shooting Omen’s ultimate ability can show as a 160 headshot but may not deal actual damage. Could this be the case?

Agent Abilities at Play

Another player raises the possibility of Sage’s healing ability negating the damage dealt. Is this a valid hypothesis?

Community Frustrations

Instances of unexplained damage discrepancies seem to be on the rise, leaving players perplexed and seeking clarity.

Valorant, a game of calculated precision, continues to surprise players with unexpected twists and turns, keeping the community engaged and eager to unravel its mysteries.