Unraveling the Unexpected: Players Discover Akali Bug in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

TFT players amused and stumped by an unusual bug involving Akali, bringing out amusing insights and commentary from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a rather puzzling turn of events on Team Fight Tactics (TFT), a player stumbled upon a bug where they continued to receive Akali units in shop despite already owning a Kali 3.


  • Redditor JohnyAlbana believes this outcome should not be possible and suggests it relates to Akali’s breakout trait bug. She also hints at changes in champion pool counts.
  • Classic_Surround7386 theorizes that the game treats the damage types separately, hence the bug.
  • Sanuicay opines that the game ensemble does not recognize the completed 3-star Akali, leading to the issue.
  • Interesting-Floor82 defends the original poster and suggests that there is indeed something wrong with Akali.

Reddit Debates

Various members shared their perspectives. Some believed it is a genuine bug, while others speculated that it was a unique edge case situation, with users like 1008Rayan sharing additional Akali bugs related to multi-talented portals.

The Akali Effect

Akali seems to be a point of contention, with plenty of anecdotes and opinions. Users Environmental-Cow561 and FlatCommunity8387 emphasize on the rarity of the occurrences and openly wonder about its legitimacy.

Comic Relief

The discussion wasn’t just about the technicalities of TFT, it also led to some interesting and humorous takes. FishOfFishyness offers a light-hearted comment on the already ‘buggy’ situation between chuckles.

The post brought out an array of comments, featuring technical explanations, moot debates, and comical remarks. It also subtly illustrates the diversified and engaged TFT community on the platform. Despite the unintentional bug, the users managed to keep a light-hearted approach while discussing the game’s mechanics.

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