Unseen Terror in League of Legends: Champs Gamers are Glad They Rarely Encounter

Discussing unplayable yet potent League of Legends heroes gamers wish to avoid.

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Portal Staff

In a recent discussion in the League of Legends community, the topic revolved around the terror certain champions create despite being less popular or non-core to gameplay. A fan, perhaps voicing for many, admitted thanking the ‘lord that Anivia and Corki are not played more often, referring to the daunting gaming experience these champions may offer when manipulated by experienced hands.


  • Many participants compare various less-played heroes and their potential devastation
  • Heroes like Anivia, Corki, Trynd, Yorick, Illaoi have been mentioned as underfeatured yet potent
  • Zilean was referred to by multiple gamers as one of the most formidable ones
  • Zoe earned mentions for her laning and roaming prowess

The Origins of the Fear

Every mentioned hero has unique attributes and game mechanics that can disrupt the common meta when used skillfully – accept or not, but this is what makes them ‘freaking scary’, as the gaming community calls them. They are perceived as powerful outliers, and the notion is amplified because their less frequent occurrence in the general gameplay keeps the gamers on toes, creating a sense of unexpected challenge and potential ruin.

Sentiments towards Zilean

An interestingly recurring name in the discussion was that of Zilean. The old geezer, despite being a tertiary polygon, can surprisingly wreak havoc in games, credits to his somewhat hidden OP nature. A user fearfully expressed his relief, stating that Zilean could’ve been ‘pick/ban’ had his early game been any less atrocious.

The Dark Horses

Champions like Zoe, Azir, Taliyaah, Tryndamere, Evelynn, and others fall under the category of ‘menaces’, as masterfully using them can make them pose an overwhelming threat to the opponents. As a rioter, users believe that these champions, if more popular, might have finally necessitated a nerf.

The Intimidating Unpredictability

Certain heroes (Nasus, Illaoi, Qiyana, Fizz, etc.) possess a scaling factor that makes them a growing threat throughout the game. For example, Nasus, even when camped, manages to pile up stacks, eventually becoming outrageously tough to counter. This unpredictability sprouts mixed feelings of intimidation and relief among players.

In the day’s end, it’s the rarity and the immense potential of these champions that evoke a sense of both fear and awe. Surely, gamers aren’t thanking god out of fear, right? It’s more about the respect and acknowledgment of their distinct power, the challenge they present, and the unexpected that keeps us gamers intrigued, no matter how relieved we may ‘seem’ on their rare sightings.