Unveiling Diablo’s Epic Bounty: A Look Inside the 101 Pit

Delve into the treasures of the 101 Pit in Diablo and revel in the epic loot unearthed by players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Diablo community have unearthed some amazing loot from the depths of the 101 Pit, showcasing their epic finds to envy-inducing degrees. Let’s dive into the riches and the sentiments surrounding these bounties!


  • Diablo loot hunters struck gold in the 101 Pit, revealing incredible treasures.
  • Community sentiments range from envy to camaraderie towards these lucky adventurers.
  • Players discuss the pitfalls and rewards of farming in the 101 Pit, sharing their personal experiences.

Reactions and Revelations

“They just need to balance stats. There is no build, even on hardcore, that likes to use healing increase, life per second or impairment reduction. Just bad design.”

Wow, I made like 100 runs on 101 and never had 3 GA. … and if I would I’m sure I get this 😀 – Dunc4n1d4h0

Tales of Triumph and Tragedy

“The pits the shits dude. I got to 120 and just started doing 90s cos it’s less hassle and the same rewards.” – Alone_Shoulder8820

“Life per second is trash.” – Fluid_Profession3112

“Well just be glad you got GA from pit. Been farming pit 101 for days, literally only 10 ornso GA dropped. They were all trash.” – Sardoche320