Unveiling League of Legends Players’ Perceptions: The Rank Dilemma

Why do League of Legends players believe they deserve a higher rank? These comments shed light on their perspectives.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players often believe they deserve a higher rank based on various aspects of their gameplay and the ranking system.


  • Players feel their rank doesn’t reflect their true skill due to factors like inconsistent LP gains and matchmaking disparities
  • Some players struggle due to mental barriers and lack of macro play, affecting their climbing potential
  • Others attribute their success to specific habits or limitations, such as playing locked screen or one-tricking champions

Insights into Players’ Mindsets

One user, mattyMbruh, admits to struggling due to poor mental state and ADHD, impacting their gameplay and attitude

WadeyCakes highlights issues with MMR discrepancies, LP gains, and the overall obscure ranking system, causing frustration

0LPIron5 acknowledges personal flaws but credits consistent gameplay habits for maintaining a positive win rate

Challenges in the Ranked Journey

Players like Meended face slow progression despite having a high win rate due to limited playtime

Some, like big938363, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, particularly in the realm of macro play

behind_the_doors shares the struggle of climbing from lower ranks, emphasizing the difficulty of overcoming past mistakes

Perceptions of Rank Disparities

Sateless laments being stuck in a lower tier this season due to matchmaking issues, impacting their ability to perform

SpookyRatCreature expresses frustration with lower-tier games and inability to influence outcomes effectively

JacobTybz critiques the matchmaking system and highlights the impact of external factors like leavers and streamers on the ranked experience