Unveiling Mysteries: Attempting to Overlay the Map of Remuria in Genshin Impact

Gamers in the Genshin Impact subreddit delve into the mysterious world of Remuria through map overlays. What secrets lie beneath the surface?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are going down the rabbit hole as they attempt to overlay the map of Remuria over Teyvat. What mysteries are they uncovering?


  • Players speculate on the placement of iconic towers in the overlay.
  • The debate centers around the geographical accuracy of the map overlay.
  • Discussions on the lore implications of Remuria’s location in relation to in-game quests.

The Towering Debate

Gamers are split on whether the Tower of Ipsisum should align with the main Tower of Remuria or follow a different path.

The Geographical Puzzle

Some believe the overlay should follow the direction of petrichor, adding a mystical touch to the map.


Players draw connections to in-game quests, suggesting Remuria’s sunken location beneath Fontaine.

Gamers are also questioning the scale of certain in-game locations, sparking debates on the map’s accuracy and lore implications.