Unveiling Mysteries: Enshrouded Eternal Arrow Controversy Explored

Join the debate on why the new eternal arrow deals only 4 dmg in the Enshrouded community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are in a frenzy over the contentious issue of the new eternal arrow’s meager 4 damage output compared to base arrows, sparking heated discussions across the subreddit.


  • Players debate the purpose of the eternal arrow, questioning its usefulness at a high mana cost.
  • Some users advocate for a damage buff, suggesting it should serve as a backup option rather than a primary arrow.

Dive into the Debate

Player DarthJarJar242 argues that the eternal arrow is intended as an emergency solution when normal arrows run out, though acknowledges a slight damage increase could enhance its utility without overshadowing base arrows.

Eraguthorak points to patch notes emphasizing convenience as the primary reason for the arrow’s current damage output, aiming to maintain the relevance of standard arrows in gameplay.

Fennek-vulpecula draws a parallel with eternal Magic, highlighting the design choice for convenience over overpowering abilities, suggesting a balanced approach to game mechanics.