Unveiling Secrets: Tekken Players Reveal Characters They Wouldn’t Main

Discover why Tekken fans shy away from certain characters despite their appeal.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans and their funny reasons for not maining certain characters never cease to amaze!


  • Kazuya’s devil powers deter potential mains.
  • Armor King’s absence leaves a void for fans.
  • Bob’s weight loss affects character appeal.
  • Stances can make or break a character choice.
  • Kazuya’s Devil Transformation

    Tekken fans express reluctance to main Kazuya due to his devil powers, citing a dislike for the transformation.

    Armor King’s Lament

    Armor King enthusiasts express frustration over his absence in the game, leaving a gap in character selection.

    Bob’s Weight Loss Conundrum

    Bob’s character design, specifically Slim Bob’s appearance, generates mixed reactions among players.

    Stance Confusion

    Players find characters with complex stances challenging to master, impacting their main choices.

    As Tekken continues to evolve, player preferences and main choices reveal intriguing insights into the community’s diverse tastes.