Unveiling Tekken Respect: A Tribute to Skilled Characters in the Fighting Scene

Discover which Tekken characters players truly respect in the competitive arena and why their mastery is revered.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players share their thoughts on the characters they truly respect in the game, sparking discussions on skill and gameplay dynamics.


  • Respect is accorded to characters requiring high execution and mental gameplay.
  • Players appreciate mastery of difficult characters and lesser-played fighters.
  • Some find respect for characters based on their perceived honesty and integrity in gameplay.
  • Reactions vary, with some finding it challenging to respect any character after extensive playtime.

The Charm of Execution and Mastery

For many Tekken enthusiasts, the characters they hold in high regard are those that demand precision execution and strategic prowess. Lee, known for his execution-heavy requirements, draws respect for the skill needed to play him well.

Honesty in Gameplay

On the flip side, some players associate respect with characters they perceive as honest and straightforward in their mechanics. Characters like Leo and Asuka are commended for their solid gameplay that relies on skill rather than gimmicks.

Acknowledging Difficulty and Mastery

The admiration extends to players who master characters that are considered more challenging or less popular. Characters like Bryan and Mishima receive nods for the mental acuity required to pilot them effectively.

Perceptions on Character Integrity

Some players express skepticism towards finding characters worthy of respect, highlighting the difficulty in perceiving honesty and integrity in a diverse character roster.

Tekken’s character dynamics continue to evolve, showcasing a blend of technical demands and strategic depth that captivates players and ignites discussions on respect in the competitive arena.