Unveiling the 6% Winrate Gap Between Blue and Red Side in League of Legends Masters+ – Insights & Opinions

Discover the imbalance in winrates between the blue and red side in high elo League of Legends, sparking heated discussions among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends has been abuzz with discussions about the 6% winrate gap between blue and red side in the Masters+ tier. The disparity in game outcomes has ignited a fiery debate among players…


  • Red side’s advantage stems from historical MMR disparities, top lane counterpicks, and matchmaking discrepancies.

Player Insights

PhatYeeter pointed out how the symmetrical map change impacted top lane dynamics by removing blue side’s jungler advantage, contributing to the win rate gap. The ability to snowball top lane has become more pronounced with the current map structure.

Humor Amidst Debate

ellie_caisen humorously referenced a popular clip, lightening the mood amidst the intense discussions surrounding the winrate gap.

Community Suggestions

PigeonSoupMmm suggested mirroring the map like Wild Rift, offering a potential solution to address the uneven win rate.

The discourse extends with users questioning the source material, expressing fatigue over repetitive posts, and exploring the complexities of matchmaking at the highest echelons of play.

League of Legends players continue to grapple with the implications of the winrate gap between blue and red side in Masters+, sparking diverse opinions and proposed solutions within the community.