Unveiling the Best and Most Fun Builds in Hades: A Reddit Dive

Exploring the best weapon and boon combinations in Hades through a Reddit community's insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, where death is not the end but a means to grow stronger, the community in the subreddit for the game is buzzing with discussions on the best and most fun builds. Let’s take a closer look at what players are saying about maximizing their runs and overcoming challenges.


  • Focus on buffing one or two attacks for early game advantages.
  • Boon rarity often outweighs levels in decision-making.
  • Experiment with all weapons to maximize rewards and playstyles.

Insights on Weapon and Boon Choices

One player advised prioritizing buffing specific attacks over maintaining balance throughout the game. Early on, focusing on one or two attacks, such as special and summon abilities, can be more beneficial than spreading upgrades evenly.

Strategies for Boss Fights

When facing the challenging 2v1 encounter with Theseus and the Minotaur, players recommended focusing on defeating the Minotaur first to transition into a more manageable 1v1 battle. Additionally, utilizing Skelly’s keepsake as an extra death defiance between Asphodel and Elysium can provide a crucial advantage.

Tips for Maximizing Build Potential

Players highlighted the significance of making strategic decisions when encountering Hephaestus hammer boons, emphasizing the importance of considering future boon options and overall build coherence. Additionally, diversifying weapon usage and experimenting with different boons can enhance the gameplay experience.

For players seeking a resource on various builds, one user shared a comprehensive guide to aid in exploring different build possibilities.