Unveiling the Charm of Hades’ Than: A Fan’s Perspective

Dive into the delightful musings of Hades' Than lovers as they share why this enigmatic character has stolen their hearts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades, the rogue-like dungeon crawler known for its captivating characters, has spawned a legion of fans who are smitten by Than. Fallen-Shadow-1214 took to Reddit to express a lack of attachment to Than and sought insights into his allure.


  • Than is adored for his loyalty, enigmatic persona, and striking looks.
  • Players appreciate his theatricality and symbolic offerings to Zagreus.
  • His caring and concerned nature towards Zagreus resonates with fans.

Unraveling Than’s Enigma

MacduffFifesNo1Thane finds Than emotionally complex, attributing his aloofness to a misunderstood loyalty towards Zagreus. The alluring aesthetics of Than, with his piercing gaze and chiseled physique, add to his mystique.

The Theatrical Than

Slekrons admires Than’s dramatic flair, fitting for a character embodying death. The heartfelt gifts he bestows upon Zagreus showcase a side of him that adds depth to his character.

A Touch of Kindness

Askray184 highlights Than’s kindness and genuine concern for Zagreus, portraying him as a character with a soft side amidst his enigmatic exterior.

Easter Eggs and Humor

Thatkindofdoctor playfully references Than as a ‘sundere,’ blending humor with the character’s enigmatic charm.