Unveiling the Colorful World of Fortnite: Hades’ Built-in Emote

Discover how Hades' built-in emote in Fortnite changes colors with skin styles, and witness users' reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite: The vibrant and ever-evolving world of skins and emotes never fails to surprise its players. A recent reddit post by ItsLIX89 shed light on a fun fact about Hades’ built-in emote, sparking a colorful discussion among players.


  • Players delighted with Hades’ built-in emote color changes
  • New update brings unexpected feature, impressing the community
  • Some users compare color changes to other skin emotes in Fortnite

Colorful Reactions

Salty_Arachnid_8239 expressed, “I like the purple and the default the most tho.” FartKingKong remarked, “Well such a pity they didn’t do the same with his items.”

Skin Shifts

ElectriCole shared, “Must have been added in the last update bc it 100% did NOT do this when I unlocked the purple one first week.” Interesting-Ad1352 added, “The Ageless and Era’s emotes also change color.”

Community Banter

No-Elk3532 humorously pointed out, “bro you legit made a post about something cool they’ve done and people in the comments talking about yeah but they didn’t do it with contrail tho & yeah but the styles are ass.”

TartHot6215 showcased a gif and Grookeymon exclaimed, “Dude that’s so cool.” Mark-2005 also shared a gif to express delight.

pringlepingel related Titan flame to shadow flame from World of Warcraft. Maddxav critiqued the super styles in Hades. Potato_chips03x4 simply commented, “nice.”