Unveiling the Controversies Surrounding Smite 2: A Community’s Dilemma

The Smite community is torn about Smite 2's direction. Is it a step forward or a mimic of other popular MOBAs? Dive into the heated discussions here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the controversial sentiments sparked by the release of Smite 2 within the Smite community, as reflected in a Reddit post by Godman873.


  • Members criticize Smite 2 for veering too close to League of Legends and Dota 2.
  • Concerns are raised over the complexity of the new item store and gameplay alterations.
  • The community debates the necessity of features like brushes and the direction of Smite’s evolution.

The Great Divide

In the contentious post, Godman873 expresses disillusionment with Smite 2’s direction, decrying its apparent parallels to League of Legends and Dota 2. He highlights issues such as the incorporation of bushes in lanes, likening them to a disruptive element that caters to specific playstyles and hampers strategic diversity.

Community Backlash

Responding to the criticism, users like SEG314 argue in favor of Smite 2’s adaptations, emphasizing the need for the game to evolve and attract a broader player base. They defend the introduction of bushes and the revamped item store, considering them essential for the game’s growth and longevity.

Innovation or Imitation?

While some, like lalaisme, share Godman873’s concerns about the game losing its identity, others like NewSageTriggrr6 appreciate the differentiation brought by new features like bushes. The debate rages on, with Avernuscion cautioning against leaning too heavily on a professional gaming focus at the expense of casual players.

The contrasting viewpoints underscore the community’s divided stance on Smite 2’s future. The game’s developers face the challenge of balancing innovation with maintaining the essence of what made Smite unique.