Unveiling the Controversy: Meteoric Weapons in Myth of Empires Explained

Discover the heated discussion surrounding the power of meteoric weapons in Myth of Empires with player testimonials.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered what it’s like to face a marauding Chinese warrior wielding a meteoric mace while you sleep? Look no further than the Myth of Empires subreddit. The community is up in arms about the seemingly overpowered nature of these celestial weapons.


  • Players expressing frustration over meteoric weapons dominating raiding.
  • Debate on the necessity of siege equipment for balanced gameplay.
  • Community divided on the role of protection timers in preventing raids.

Meteoric Madness

The post by Tremic highlights a common complaint among players – the overwhelming power of meteoric weapons in raids. The frustration at being obliterated by a single player with superior gear resonates with many.

Siege Stalemate

Users like PuzzleheadedDog9658 argue for a more strategic approach, suggesting that raiding metal structures should necessitate siege equipment. This calls into question the current balance of power between attackers and defenders.

Protection Predicament

Comments by pulsebox and KainX delve into the role of protection timers in preventing raids. The debate on whether they are sufficient in safeguarding bases while players are offline is a contentious issue.

Ultimately, the heated discussions on meteoric weapons in Myth of Empires reveal a community torn between the thrill of conquest and the need for fair gameplay. As players strive to find a balance between power and strategy, the clash of opinions continues to ignite fiery exchanges in the subreddit.