Unveiling the Cursed: Deep Rock Galactic Subreddit Shook by Naked Steeve

Venture into the wild world of Deep Rock Galactic as players face the curse of the naked Steeve. Chaos ensues.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic subreddit recently encountered a post labeled ‘… yeah, this is cursed,’ which showcased a naked Steeve, unleashing chaos.


  • Community left in shock as naked Steeve photo goes viral.
  • Users debate whether the post should be tagged NSFW.
  • Some urge for deletion, claiming breach of trust.


Word spread like wildfire as users grappled with the sight of a stripped-down Steeve in the post. One commentator, Profession…

NSFW Debate

Amidst the chaos, a user urgently requested an NSFW tag to prevent public mishaps like a train incident they allegedly caused. Another concerned user, Original_Possible221, emphasized the need for appropriate content labeling.

Trust Issues

Outrage surged through the subreddit as Responsible-Skin4452 accused the poster of betraying Steve’s trust by sharing private content. The ethical dilemma ignited heated discussions about online privacy and consent. Some called for immediate post deletion to rectify the situation.

The uproar over the naked Steeve photo not only sparked debates on NSFW guidelines but also delved into the boundaries of online sharing. The incident served as a wake-up call for many users, raising critical questions about accountability and respect within the online gaming community.