Unveiling the Drama: League of Legends Teams Spit Fire in Trash Talk Video

A trash talk video from DIG against FlyQuest in the League of Legends scene stirs up excitement.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to League of Legends, drama is always around the corner. Fans are hyped after DIG’s fiery trash talk video against FlyQuest. The video aims to amp up the rivalry and excitement in the community.


  • Fans are thrilled by the hype video, seeing it as a fresh and exciting move for LCS teams.
  • The authenticity of the beefs and drama-inspired narratives is crucial for maintaining fan engagement.
  • Some fans express their dislike for FlyQuest, endorsing DIG’s aggressive stance.

Excitement from Fans

One Reddit user highlighted the potential of hype videos for LCS teams, stating that they are more interested in these videos than Worlds itself.

Authenticity and Player Drama

Another fan emphasized the importance of genuine beefs and drama-inspired content to keep fans invested in the league.

Support for DIG

Fans showing support for DIG expressed their joy at the aggressive nature of the video, rallying behind the team in their rivalry with FlyQuest.

League of Legends always keeps fans on their toes with its thrilling drama and intense rivalries. The trash talk video from DIG has ignited a fire in the community, sparking debates and excitement. Whether you’re backing DIG or FlyQuest, one thing is for sure – the passion and dedication of the fans make the League of Legends scene an electrifying place to be.