Unveiling the Forgotten: Delving into Hades’ Mythological Choices

Exploring why some Reddit users feel certain mythological figures were neglected in Hades.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the captivating world of Hades, where myth and gameplay collide in unexpected ways as users ponder over forgotten entities.


  • The game’s mythological reinterpretations offer unique storytelling opportunities.
  • Players engage with the lore on a deeper level, sparking debates on narrative choices.
  • Hades’ adaptation of mythos provokes diverse perspectives from the gaming community.

Unraveling the Mythos

In myth, Hera’s daughters, Hebe and Ilithyria, hold significant roles, yet Hades appears to diverge from traditional narratives.

Community Discourse

Users speculate on the game’s timeline, suggesting that Hades may occur before the birth of Hera’s daughters, offering a fresh perspective on the lore.

Divergent Interpretations

While some players appreciate the game’s reimagining of mythology, others express a desire for a more faithful adaptation, igniting passionate discussions within the subreddit.

Reshaping Perceptions

Through its narrative deviations, Hades prompts players to explore mythos with a critical lens, inviting them to reconsider established beliefs and narratives.