Unveiling the FortNite Community’s Insight on Item Shop Overhaul

Response to Fortnite player's ideas on improving the item shop - enlightening insights that might change how you game!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community is bustling with ideas and notions that can take the in-game experience to new heights! One such suggestion comes from a user named AndresGreenboi who suggests an overhaul in the mechanics of the item shop.


  • AndresGreenboi proposes each individual item to have its own time of leaving countdown, providing a better sense of transparency and fairness among users.
  • Users seem split on the idea, with some reminiscing about previous game mechanisms and others congratulating the suggestion.
  • Interestingly, there seems to be an air of skepticism as well, certain users point out the feasibility concerns attached to the proposed idea.

Response to Change

The Fortnite player base is vast and varied, and their responses to AndresGreenboi’s suggestion are equally diverse. User Mynameisnotjoeok points out that this is how the shop used to work, indicating an affinity to the old system.

Reality Check

On the other side of the coin, enthusiasts who are rooted in the game’s current phase brings out unique perspectives. User PurpleGuyDog touches upon how this might be a bit too ambitious given the dev’s current modus operandi.

The Lighter Side

Amid these serious discussions, there are also those who take things in a lighter vein. Wintergameing, for instance, injected some humor and adds that this might be missing the point since this is, after all, Fortnite.

The Fortnite community, as illustrated here, is vibrant and full of contrasting opinions. While the item shop revamp suggestion aims to enhance the overall gaming experience, it’s evident that there would be varied opinions on its implementation. This enriches the Fortnite community further, pushing boundaries and invoking conversations that add depth to gaming.