Unveiling the Frustrations: Skull and Bones Players Discuss Collecting Pieces of Eight

Sailing hassles and headaches? Skull and Bones players voice out on the struggles of collecting Pieces of Eight in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever faced the grueling task of collecting Pieces of Eight in Skull and Bones? The members of the subreddit are ablaze, discussing their frustrations with this gameplay element.


  • Players find the process of sailing to each Piece of Eight tedious and nonsensical.
  • Suggestions highlight the need for a fleet system and designated collecting points for efficiency.
  • Many players opt to ignore Pieces of Eight and focus on events due to the unenjoyable experience.

Adding Fleet System

One user, Severe-Savings-840, mentions the speculated addition of a fleet system in Season 2, offering hopes of a more seamless experience.

Designating Collection Points

TheRealVertical proposes the idea of having a centralized collecting point to reduce the monotony of sailing to each individual piece, emphasizing the need for an easier trade route.

Frustrations and Alternative Focus

WhatUp007 expresses disdain towards the locked endgame content tied to collecting Pieces of Eight, opting to engage in events for a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

The discussions on the subreddit shed light on the dissatisfaction players have regarding the current system in Skull and Bones, emphasizing the need for improvements to enhance the overall gameplay experience.