Unveiling the Ghostly Mystery in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Delve into the enigmatic world of Ghostly in TFT and discover why players are yearning for more clarity.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are left scratching their heads when it comes to the mysterious Ghostly trait. The lack of visible damage leads to confusion and speculation among enthusiasts. A recent Reddit post by ThjaziSSH ignited a conversation about the necessity of displaying Ghostly’s damage output.


  • Players crave more transparency regarding Ghostly’s damage calculation.
  • Ghosts in TFT are perceived as more of a debuff than direct damage dealers.
  • The visual representation of Ghostly’s impact is underwhelming, contributing to player confusion.

Shades of Confusion

While Ghostly adds an intriguing element to gameplay, the lack of clarity surrounding its damage output raises eyebrows. User shiner986 points out that the ghosts’ function is primarily a debuff rather than inflicting damage directly.

HopefulEqual88 echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the need for clearer communication of Ghostly’s effects, be it through visual cues or numerical indicators.

The Visibility Dilemma

User Zenai10 expresses the desire for enhanced visual representation of Ghostly and other traits like Morganna’s abilities, noting the current dissatisfying lack of feedback during gameplay.

Reaching for Clarity

Prathmun weighs in, highlighting the strength of Ghostly based on personal experience, showcasing how the trait can dominate encounters. However, the ambiguity surrounding its impact remains a prevailing concern among players.

Unveiling the Ghostly Mystery

The call for transparency in Ghostly’s damage display reflects a broader sentiment within the TFT community. As players navigate the intricacies of this trait, the demand for clearer feedback persists. Whether Riot Games addresses this concern remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—the curiosity surrounding Ghostly’s true potential continues to haunt players.

Categories TFT