Unveiling the Gragas Mystery in League of Legends

Discover why the League of Legends community is puzzled over Gragas's unchanging strength.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends community is buzzing with confusion over Gragas’s unwavering power. A recent Reddit post dives into the mystery surrounding the durability and versatility of this champion…


  • Gragas’s strength lies in his overloaded kit featuring crowd control, mobility, and burst potential.
  • Players feel frustrated with his uninteractive gameplay due to oppressive abilities like his E.
  • The community debates his balance, his role in multiple positions, and the lack of significant nerfs despite his dominant presence.

Insane Scaling and Commanding Presence

The issue many players have with Gragas stems from his kit’s insane scaling on abilities, his crowd control, durability, mobility, and burst potential. These capabilities make him one of the best champions across various lanes…

Baffling Resilience and Lack of Adjustments

Despite his uninteractive gameplay and overwhelming presence in multiple roles, the balance team has yet to address the community’s concerns, leading to frustration and confusion among players…

The Enigma of Gragas

Gragas remains a hot topic of discussion in the League of Legends community, with players questioning his dominant presence, lack of significant adjustments, and versatile playstyle…

Despite the ongoing debates surrounding Gragas, one thing is clear: the League of Legends community is divided over this champion’s status and the perceived lack of changes to address his overwhelming strengths.