Unveiling the Harvesting Bug in Skull and Bones – Players Confused!

Players in Skull and Bones are puzzled by a mysterious bug affecting their harvesting process. Find out what's causing the confusion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Skull and Bones community are facing a puzzling issue with harvesting resources that has left them scratching their heads. The problem seems to revolve around difficulties in obtaining metal salvage, crucial for crafting.


  • Players struggling with metal salvage harvesting issues
  • Confusion caused by yellow bar indicating full capacity
  • Solution lies in disabling ‘hold to collect’ option in settings

The Harvesting Dilemma

Players like DMcGuire83 have reported a recurring problem over the last few days concerning the harvesting of metal salvage in Skull and Bones. Despite the yellow bar signifying full storage, the desired metal salvage remained elusive.

Community Solutions

Member Father_Giliam suggested that the issue might stem from inadvertently activating the ‘hold to collect’ setting in the game options. Ensuring this feature is disabled resolved the problem for many players.

Auto Harvesting Misunderstanding

Another user, Jack-Innoff, echoed the sentiment by highlighting the impact of the auto-harvesting feature, advising players to deactivate it to restore normal resource collection.

Quick Fixes

Lilywhitey chimed in with a swift solution, recommending a prompt disabling of auto harvesting to immediately rectify the metal salvage collection problem, providing swift relief to affected players.