Unveiling the Legendary Laser Rifle in Palworld: Everything You Need to Know!

Discover the Legendary Laser Rifle in Palworld and how players are searching for this elusive weapon.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld enthusiasts are buzzing with excitement as they share the latest update on the Legendary laser rifle schematic. This sought-after weapon has captured the attention of players…


  • Players are on the hunt for the Legendary laser rifle schematic, obtained from the oil rig end chest.
  • Some lucky players have already acquired the rifle, sparking envy and admiration among the community.
  • Excitement around the weapon is fueled by its powerful stats and elusive drop location.

Legendary Excitement

Players like TrakaisIrsis and their friend are basking in the glory of being the first to clear the oil rig end chest and obtain the Legendary laser rifle…

Player’s Triumph

Redial2 couldn’t contain their excitement and inquired about the attack stats of the rifle, sparking a discussion on its power and desirability…

Envious Encounters

Not-an-illithid shared their experience of getting an epic armor piece, showing the varied drops players can encounter in their journey…