Unveiling the Loot Drama in Skull and Bones: No Booty Dropping Problem

Ahoy, mateys! Dive into the salty sea of Skull and Bones drama as loot mysteriously vanishes. What's the treasure-less tale?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ahoy, mateys! Are you ready to set sail on the tumultuous seas of Skull and Bones adventures? Well, it seems our journey today takes a dark turn as our fellow pirates are facing a peculiar dilemma. Ey3dea81, one brave buccaneer, recently encountered a baffling situation during a chaotic fight – no loot was dropping after a hard-won battle against the notorious La Peste brothers. What ghostly curse lurks in these waters, we wonder?


  • It’s a loot-less voyage as pirates face the strange phenomenon of no loot dropping after defeating enemies
  • Players express frustration over missing rewards that should rightfully belong in their treasure chests
  • Speculations arise around possible game glitches and eerie occurrences on the high seas

Unraveling the Mystery

One concerned pirate, kwjyibo, pointed out a possible reason for the disappearing loot – an overflowing inventory. Could it be that our pirates are hoarding too much treasure to make room for their hard-earned spoils?

Community Frustrations

Another seafarer, PT_frizzer, shared a similar tale of woe, mentioning how even after recent updates, loot seems to be evading their grasp. Perhaps the cursed chests have minds of their own?

The Sinking Suspicion

AroostookGrizz added a twist to the tale, suggesting that the loot vanishing act might be related to a peculiar circumstance – loading back in after being sunk. Could the spirits of the sea be playing tricks on our brave pirates?

Ahoy, fellow swashbucklers! Brace yourselves for a thrilling journey as we dig deeper into the puzzling enigma of vanishing loot in Skull and Bones. May your sails be full, and your pockets even fuller. Who knows what treasures – or troubles – lie ahead on these tumultuous waters?